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Summer Lovin’: Keep Your EV in Tip-Top Shape

Summer is a season of road trips, beach outings, and outdoor adventures. For electric vehicle (EV) owners, it’s also a time to ensure their vehicles are well-prepared to handle the heat. Just as traditional vehicles require special attention during hot weather, EVs also need care to maintain optimal performance and longevity. Let’s talk essential tips and recommendations for keeping your EV in top condition during the summer months.

Understanding the Impact of Heat on EVs

Before diving into the care tips, it’s important to understand how summer heat can affect your EV. High temperatures can impact battery performance, reduce range, and accelerate wear and tear. According to a study by Geotab, extreme temperatures (both hot and cold) can reduce EV battery range by up to 25% . Therefore, taking proactive measures to protect your EV from heat is crucial.

Maintain Optimal Tire Pressure

Why It Matters:

Proper tire pressure is essential for safe driving and optimal vehicle performance. During hot weather, tire pressure can fluctuate more frequently, which can affect handling and efficiency.

Care Tip:

Check your tire pressure regularly, especially during extreme temperature changes. Underinflated tires can increase rolling resistance, reducing your EV’s range and causing uneven tire wear. Overinflated tires, on the other hand, can lead to reduced traction and a harsher ride. Refer to your EV’s manual for the recommended tire pressure and use a reliable gauge to check and adjust as needed.

Keep Your Battery Cool

Why It Matters:

High temperatures can negatively impact lithium-ion batteries, which are commonly used in EVs. Excessive heat can lead to thermal degradation, reducing the battery’s lifespan and efficiency.

Care Tip:

Park your EV in the shade or a garage whenever possible to keep it cool. If shade is not available, consider using a reflective windshield sunshade to reduce the cabin temperature. Additionally, avoid charging your EV immediately after driving in hot weather, as the battery may already be warm. Allow it to cool down first to prevent overheating.

Use Eco-Friendly Coolants and Lubricants

Why It Matters:

Using the right coolants and lubricants can help maintain your EV’s efficiency and reduce its environmental impact. Eco-friendly products are designed to perform well while minimizing harm to the environment.

Care Tip:

Look for coolants and lubricants that are specifically designed for EVs and are labeled as eco-friendly. These products typically have lower toxicity levels and are biodegradable. For example, biodegradable coolants made from propylene glycol are less harmful to the environment compared to traditional ethylene glycol-based coolants.

Monitor Battery Health and Performance

Why It Matters:

Regular monitoring of your EV’s battery health and performance can help identify potential issues before they become serious problems. This is particularly important during the summer months when batteries are more susceptible to heat-related stress.

Care Tip:

Use your EV’s onboard diagnostics or a third-party app to monitor battery health and performance. Pay attention to any significant changes in range, charging speed, or battery temperature. If you notice any anomalies, consult your EV’s manufacturer or a certified technician for a thorough inspection.

Optimize Charging Habits

Why It Matters:

Charging habits can significantly impact your EV’s battery health and performance. During hot weather, it’s important to avoid practices that can exacerbate heat-related issues.

Care Tip:

Avoid fast charging whenever possible during extreme heat, as it generates more heat than regular charging and can strain the battery. Instead, use Level 2 chargers for a slower, more controlled charge when high temps strike. If you need to fast charge, do so during cooler parts of the day, such as early morning or late evening. Additionally, try to keep your battery level between 20% and 80% to reduce stress on the battery.

Schedule Regular Maintenance

Why It Matters:

Regular maintenance is crucial for ensuring your EV remains in top condition. Summer heat can accelerate wear and tear, making it even more important to stay on top of maintenance tasks.

Care Tip:

Follow your EV manufacturer’s recommended maintenance schedule. This typically includes checking and replacing fluids, inspecting brake pads and rotors, and ensuring all electrical components are functioning properly. Consider having a professional perform a summer-specific checkup to address any heat-related concerns.

Stay Informed About EV Technologies and Updates

Why It Matters:

The EV industry is rapidly evolving, with new technologies and updates emerging regularly. Staying informed can help you take advantage of advancements that improve your vehicle’s performance and efficiency.

Care Tip:

Follow reputable EV news sources and join online communities to stay updated on the latest developments. This can include software updates, new battery technologies, and best practices for EV maintenance. Being informed allows you to make proactive decisions about your vehicle’s care.

Prepare for Long Trips

Why It Matters:

Summer is a popular time for road trips, and proper preparation can ensure a smooth and enjoyable journey. Long trips can put additional stress on your EV, making it essential to plan ahead.

Care Tip:

Before embarking on a long trip, ensure your EV is fully charged and in good condition. Plan your route to include charging stations and consider using apps that provide real-time information about charger availability. Pack essentials such as a portable charger, tire repair kit, and emergency supplies to handle any unexpected situations.

Eco-Friendly Products to Consider

In addition to the tips mentioned above, consider incorporating these eco-friendly products into your EV care routine:

Biodegradable Coolants: Propylene glycol-based coolants are less toxic and more environmentally friendly than traditional options.

Eco-Friendly Tire Cleaners: Choose tire cleaners that are free from harsh chemicals and are biodegradable.

Reusable Air Filters: These filters can be cleaned and reused, reducing waste and maintaining optimal air quality in your EV.

Solar-Powered Accessories: Consider solar-powered fans or ventilators to keep your EV cool without draining the battery.

Taking care of your EV during the summer months is essential for maintaining its performance, efficiency, and longevity. By following these tips and recommendations, you can ensure your EV stays cool and reliable even in the hottest weather. Remember, regular maintenance, informed charging habits, and the use of eco-friendly products can make a significant difference in your EV’s overall health.

Stay proactive, stay informed, and enjoy a worry-free summer with your electric vehicle!

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